Three technologies of liquid borating have been developed at the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry for surface strengthening of steel parts of machines and tools operating under high static and dynamic loads: borating in borax melt, borating in a calcium chloride melt, and cyclic borating in a calcium chloride melt.
Liquid borating has been tested on structural steels (20, 45, 40X, ШХ15), tool steels for cold deformation(У8А, 9ХС, ХВГ, Х12Ф1) and tool steels for hot deformation (5ХНВ, 4Х5МФС, 3Х2В8).
The wear resistance of borated steels is 2 to 10 times higher under considerable specific pressures, at sliding friction, and abrasive and hydroabrasive wear in corrosive media (10% НCl, 30% H2SO4).
The cost of borating accounts to 10-20% of the initial cost of parts. The raw materials are available and are produced in Russia.