Technology offers from Russia
EXPERIMENTAL COMPLEX for Studying Mechanical Behavior of Magnetorheological Elastomers

An experimental complex has been developed using a FS-100CT testing machine (UK) as a basis. It includes the testing machine, a power supply unit with a rectifier for an electromagnet, the electromagnet with a gap for the sample to be tested, a force measuring device, and a data-recording system. The complex can be used to study magnetorheological materials under different loading conditions in the magnetic field up to 1.2 T and allows automatization of the experimental data recording process. The experimental data are obtained during tensile tests at a constant deformation rate and during creep and stress relaxation tests in the magnetic field applied and removed, which makes it possible to evaluate and control the effects that the magnetic field causes on the stress-strained state of magnetorheological polymers.

Force and displacement measurement parameters are as follows. The force measuring device is characterized by a sampling interval of 0.01 N, with a measurement error of 0.1 N. Deformation measurements are taken for moving grips, with an absolute positioning error of 0.01 mm. The registration system contains a computer with the software that provides a required testing program and makes it possible to present data in the form of deformation diagrams in the required coordinates. The magnet structure allows 20-mm-based samples to be deformed by 200% in the homogeneous magnetic field, with an induction of up to 1.2 T. The experimental complex can find application in the research practices to develop various formulations of magnetorheological elastomers and to evaluate their strain-strength responses to the applied magnetic field. The level of the complex development is determined by new technical feasibilities for complex loading modes and automated recording of test results with high-precision measurements.


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    EXPERIMENTAL COMPLEX for Studying Mechanical Behavior of Magnetorheological Elastomers
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