Technology offers from Russia
Electrical exploration method for geoelectric investigation

In the laboratory of ecological geophysics, a new technique of electrical exploration by the resistance method has been developed and patented [1]. Field of priority application: geotechnical surveys; study of the state of soil engineering facilities, including hydraulic soil dams; mapping of the geological environment at detection of structural-tectonic inhomogeneities; identification of ore-bearing objects covered by loose deposits, etc. The purpose of the technique is to increase the efficiency of detecting geoelectric inhomogeneities in the geological environment and to reduce ambiguity of interpretation of experimental data with inhomogeneous structure of the upper cross section.

Using mathematical modeling, the advantage of the new method over the known method of vertical electric sounding (VES) with a symmetrical four-pole device AMNB is shown, which consists in a clearer detection of the boundaries of local geoelectric inhomogeneities in a homogeneous medium and more informative probing curves when electrosonding layered media.

    On the basis of experimental-methodical work at reference objects (including at the ground hydraulic structure – the Yelchevskaya dam, enclosing a huge accumulator of neutralized mine water), the technology of geoelectric investigation using a new method was tested, confirming its effectiveness. In particular, it allows monitoring the state of dam and identifying in them areas of increased conductivity associated with watered areas of soils and filtration zones of liquid mineralized fluids.

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    Electrical exploration method for geoelectric investigation
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