Technology requests from Russia
Method for detection of risk criteria for atherosclerosis formation.

Employees of Laboratory regulatory mechanisms of immunity of the Institute of Physiology of Natural Adaptations of N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences developed method for detection of risk criteria for atherosclerosis formation. Method makes it possible to form risk groups of atherosclerosis development for timely prevention and to determine effectiveness of measures in treatment dynamics. The method is characterized by the fact that in blood serum the quantitative content of IgE and IL-10 is determined using enzyme immunoassay. High risk of atherosclerosis formation is diagnosed If the IgE content increases more than 100 IU/ml and IL-10 more than 20 pg/ml. An advantage of the method is the availability, low cost and ease of testing using an enzyme immunoassay method widely used in laboratory diagnostics. The identification of reliable criteria for the risk of atherosclerosis remains relevant along with the issues of prevention, treatment and diagnosis of complications of the pathological process in arterial vessels. For example, determining the content of ApoA-I is important for determining anti-atherogenic blood activity and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The apoB/ApoA-I ratio characterizes the balance between atherogenic and anti-atherogenic lipoproteins and serves as an early potential marker for the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, in particular atherosclerosis. Therefore, further basic research to identify the risks of atherosclerosis is promising for understanding the mechanisms of manifestation of immunogenesis dysfunction in the progression of atherosclerosis and for further application in laboratory diagnostics.

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    Method for detection of risk criteria for atherosclerosis formation.
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